As we all have experienced in 2020, it has been a stressful kind of year. One thing that helps people deal with unexpected circumstances is a plate of their favorite food. Comfort food has the ability to change our mental state from crazy to calm. Indulging in our favorite meal gives us a sense of peace and takes us back to a time when mom, dad, grandma or grandpa had everything under control.
A recent article in “Psychology Today” points out that people turn to comfort foods when they are in a state of physiological stress. Comfort food can help you relax and enhance your mood. We all can agree that good, hearty bowl of chicken soup doesn’t actually cure the common cold…..but sit sure does make us feel better.
At MyChef, we support the cheat days and guilty pleasures. We practice a judgement free zone and we enjoy crafting menus around foods that make our clients feel happy. This doesn’t mean that everything you eat has to be unhealthy. The same article cited above lists healthy foods that are proven to help with anxiety and stress. Things like turkey, avocado, blueberries, asparagus, kale, and salmon have all had positive benefits on our waistline and brain function. You don’t have to load up on carbs or sugar to feel better. If you do it right, everything slides into place.
Another factor to consider as we enter the winter season is the effect food has on our immune system.
What we often do with our clients is sub in different foods and create a menu that boosts the immune system, supports a healthy anti-inflammatory process, and still tastes delicious. Things like leafy greens, tomatoes, fruits, nuts, fish and olive oil are always on our menu.
We are not here to step on your family’s famous meatloaf recipe, or try to recreate a grandma’s chicken noodle soup……but we would like to share some creations we’ve cooked up in the last few months that hit the comfort food mark, and health conscious eating:

Gnocchi with Turkey Bolognese and spinach
Gnocchi is potato dumpling that can be quickly boiled and then stewed in your favorite sauce. Choose turkey as a lean protein and if a heavy sauce is not your thing, try pesto or just olive oil and fresh herbs

Pineapple Chicken Stir Fry
Everyone loves a good stir fry and the addition of fresh pineapple and maybe some peppers give a sweet pop of flavor without the need for a lot of sauce

Sweet Chili & Pesto Burger
It’s hard to elevate the delicious stable of a burger. The flavor combinations of sweet chili sauce and basil pesto is delicious addition the this American classic. Skip the bun and go for a lettuce wrap; or we can make a delicious keto bun. (Yes that’s a thing)

White Bean Turkey Chili
It’s cold outside. Chili. Enough said.

Meatballs w/Spaghetti Squash
Instead of pasta we will do spaghetti squash. Cuts the carbs yet still satisfies that pasta craving! Turkey or chicken meatballs are great alternatives if you’re trying to limit red meat. Dare we even suggest vegetarian meatballs?!

Grilled Steak with Corn and Black Bean Salsa
If corn and black bean isn’t your thing try pineapple salsa, Greek salsa (tomato, feta, and olives) or maybe a chimichurri sauce
Craving some homemade comfort foods? Learn how a MyChef Personal Chef can help satisfy that craving!